We have an Urgent Care clinic, which operates 8am to 5pm during normal week days. If you are unable to get a same day appointment, and your situation is urgent, this clinic is for you. However, please keep in mind people are seen in order of emergency, not by what order they have come into the surgery. Accidents and acutely ill patients are seen first.
Due to unexpected emergencies, delays are sometimes inevitable and we would ask for your tolerance and understanding in these circumstances.On arriving to the clinic let the front desk staff know your details and that you are here for the Urgent Care clinic. Once it is your turn you will then be seen and assessed by a nurse who will determine whether you need to be seen by the emergency Doctor on the day. If the area is busy and your complaint is not of an urgent nature the nurse will make an appointment for you to be seen by your registered Doctor at another time.
Patients who have suffered a serious injury as a result of an accident are given priority at our ‘Urgent Care Clinic’. Should the need arise, the emergency Doctor and nurses on duty will stabilise the patient and call an ambulance to arrange transportation to hospital. Fractures and breaks are assessed and then referred to Lakes Radiology for x-ray which is located in the building right next door. Once the x-ray is completed by radiology our Doctors are able to view them online and make a diagnosis.The nurses are qualified to apply plaster casts within the surgery.
In some situations, the doctor may decide you need an ECG – an electrocardiogram. This helps to check for signs of heart disease, by looking at the electrical activity of the heartbeat. This is a completely safe and painless test (as it only records the electricity produced in the heart, and doesn’t send electricity into your body).
If you need a routine (non-urgent) ECG, you can book in to have this done in our Medical Care Assistant clinic. The charge for having an ECG performed is $58.