Information will be collected, stored and used in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993, the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 and the Employment Relations Act 2000 and subsequent amendments.
All general practice team members will understand, comply with and implement the practice privacy policy.
The appointed Privacy Officer is ‘The Practice Manager’. This person is responsible for monitoring privacy issues and acting on feedback from patients and staff.
Guidance in managing privacy issues is also available directly from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, telephone 0800 803 909.
The Privacy Act
An Act passed to promote and protect the privacy of information collected from and about an individual.
The Health Information Privacy Code
A Code established specifically for the management of information relating to health and disability support services such as general practice.
Privacy Officer
Ensuring that the practice complies with the Privacy Act in relation to employees, and the Health Information Privacy Code in relation to patients; and
Dealing with requests made to the practice about personal or employment information; Working with the Privacy Commissioner or investigating officer should the need arise.
We strive to maintain a high quality service to our patients and we welcome any suggestions you might have. Comments and complaints can be written down and placed in the comments box in our reception area or if you are unhappy with the treatment you have received, please let us know by either discussing it with the doctor concerned or our complaints officer, who is the Practice Manager or Head Nurse.
Alternatively you can contact the Health & Disability Advocacy Service for this area on 07 386 0943.