Ko Horouta te waka
Ko Ngāti Porou te iwi
Ko Hikurangi te maunga
Ko Waiapu te awa
Ko Te Whānau a Rakairoa me Te Whānau a Pokai-Pohatu ōku hāpu
noho ana ahau ki Te Taupō-nui-a-tia ināianei
Kia ora, I’m Holly and I’ve been working at Taupō Health Centre since 2020 as a GP Registrar. I graduated from Auckland University Medical School in 2013 and worked within the hospital in various specialties before deciding to train in General Practice in 2017. I have a diploma in Children’s health from Otago University and a keen interest in Women’s health and wellbeing. In saying that, what I love about general practice is the diversity and believe in achieving great health for everyone. I am a member of Te Ohu Rata ō Aoteaora and the Royal New Zealand College of Practitioners.
In my spare time you will find me with my two tamariki, playing squash or out hiking with the whānau in the beautiful outdoors.